How to protect yourself from dengue and malaria?


The monsoon season is almost over, leaving behind stagnant and standing water which is all set to become the breeding ground of mosquitos. These mosquitoes will spread dengue and malaria across the country. As a result, your mothers would lock you behind the doors, and all your cricket matches with your friends in the playgrounds would be canceled. But if you are unwilling to sacrifice your playtime, why don’t you build your immunity in a way that automatically defends against malaria and dengue? Isn’t this the better way? Here we will discuss essential herbs and ingredients that can improve your life.

Natural Remedies with Anti-Malarial and Anti-Dengue properties

We here discuss some of the essential natural herbs and ingredients infused with the potential to fight malaria and dengue in men, women, and children.

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  • Phyllanthus Niruri

Phyllanthus niruri is a weed growing in moist areas. It is an essential herb in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is known for its unique properties to treat dengue, malaria, ulcers, allergies, and infections. It is often referred to as the immunity booster for the body. It works wonders to cure jaundice and even diabetes. With Phyllanthus Niruri, one can find multiple remedies with just a single ingredient.

According to the research, Phyllanthus Niruri helps to develop antibodies that can prevent the growth of infection in the body. It aids in the multiplication of the white blood cells in the body that boost immunity by acting as a shield. Consumption of medicines infused with the richness of Phyllanthus niruri is beneficial to post the monsoon season, especially for children prone to fall ill.

  • Guduchi

This is yet another fantastic herb that promises many essential advantages. This herb is specifically beneficial for children. It helps to build a strong immunity so that the children do not fall prey to infections. It helps to develop antibodies that kill viral infections. Guduchi is a popular herb like Phyllanthus niruri. Parents are always advised to give this to their children, especially during the monsoon season, to protect them against dengue and malaria.

  • Harad

Harad is a type of fruit that is known for its health properties. Despite being sour, it helps to treat sore throat and runny nose. It works effectively to treat all the symptoms of dengue and malaria over time. One can quickly get capsules and syrups made of Harad. Harad benefits the body in multiple ways. It exhibits strong antibacterial properties. It combats the harmful viruses and bacteria entering the body.

Harad benefits the immune system too. It increases the resistance of the body to withstand multiple infections. It reduces the side effects of diabetes and obesity on immunity. It would be correct to say that Harad benefits the body in the most wholesome way and safeguards from multiple problems in one go. It goes a long way to make children resistant to infections, allergies, and frequent fever. Parents often combine Harad with Phyllanthus Niruri to obtain the best results for their children. There are various multivitamins and capsules available for the children.


Dengue and malaria are seasonal infections and cannot be cured by any method. However, one can always try to build a strong immunity so that the body can defend against all the infections in one go. It also enhances the recovery rate of the children. These herbs are beneficial for men and women of every age group. It is the most affordable way to stay healthy without any challenge. These herbs are easily available and they can be used judiciously for best results.

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