IFTTT – A Comprehensive Guide to Simplify Your Life


IFTTT  is a web-based service that lets you create applets or chains of simple conditional statements that are triggered based on changes to other web services and apps. In simpler terms, it’s a tool that allows you to automate repetitive tasks in your daily life. With IFTTT, you can connect multiple apps and devices and automate a range of tasks, from backing up photos to controlling your smart home devices.

What is IFTTT?

IFTTT stands for “If This Then That”. It is a free web-based service that allows users to create applets that automate tasks between two or more internet-connected services or devices. With IFTTT, you can create simple statements or triggers that automate tasks, such as sending an email when a specific event occurs, turning off your smart lights when you leave your house or saving all of your Instagram photos to Dropbox. The service supports a large number of channels, which are essentially internet-connected services and devices that you can connect to your IFTTT account.

Why use IFTTT?

IFTTT has a lot of benefits. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Automate Repetitive Tasks: With IFTTT, you can automate a lot of tasks that you do on a daily basis, such as backing up photos, saving files to cloud storage, or even setting reminders.
  2. Connect Multiple Devices and Apps: With IFTTT, you can connect multiple devices and apps, even if they don’t normally work together. This allows you to create more powerful automation.
  3. Save Time: By automating repetitive tasks, you can save a lot of time and focus on more important things in your life. IFTTT can be combined with TinyTask to automate simple tasks on your computer. You can use IFTTT to trigger TinyTask macros and automate repetitive tasks like opening specific files or running a sequence of keystrokes. You should download TinyTask and IFTTT tools.

How does IFTTT work?

IFTTT works by creating applets, which are simple conditional statements that are triggered based on changes to other web services and apps. Applets consist of two parts: a trigger and an action.

The trigger is the event that starts the applet. For example, you might create an applet that is triggered when you receive an email.

The action is the task that is performed when the applet is triggered. For example, you might create an applet that saves the attachment from the email to your Dropbox account.

IFTTT supports a wide range of triggers and actions, which allows you to create a range of powerful automation.

How to Use IFTTT?

Using IFTTT is easy. Here are the steps to get started:

  1. Sign up for an IFTTT account: To use IFTTT, you need to sign up for an account on the IFTTT website.
  2. Create an Applet: To create an applet, click on the “New Applet” button on the IFTTT website. Then, choose the trigger and action for your applet.
  3. Connect your Services: To use IFTTT, you need to connect the services that you want to use. This can be done by entering your login credentials for the service.
  4. Test your Applet: Once you have created your applet, test it to make sure it works as expected.
  5. Enable your Applet: Finally, enable your applet to start using it.

IFTTT Recipes to Simplify Your Life

IFTTT has a lot of pre-made applets that you can use to simplify your life. Here are just a few examples:

  1. Backup your photos to cloud storage: Automatically back up all your photos to Dropbox or Google Drive.
  2. Save articles to read later: Save articles that you want to read later to Pocket or Instapaper.
  3. Smart Home control: Control your smart home devices using applets that connect them to IFTTT.
  4. Automatic social media posting: Automatically post to your social media accounts when you publish a new blog post.
  5. Weather alerts: Receive weather alerts for your location so you can be prepared for any weather condition.


IFTTT is an incredibly powerful tool that can help you automate a lot of repetitive tasks in your daily life. With IFTTT, you can connect multiple devices and apps and create powerful automation that can save you time and effort.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can get started with IFTTT and begin automating tasks in your daily life. You can also explore the pre-made applets in the IFTTT library to find inspiration and discover new ways to simplify your life.

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